Last updated:
August 23, 2024

Mitigation Hierarchy

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What is the Mitigation Hierarchy?

The Mitigation Hierarchy is a structured approach for companies to minimise their greenhouse gas emissions. It provides a framework for prioritising actions that reduce emissions, aligning with the path to achieving Net Zero targets.

Mitigation hierarchy for carbon avoidance, carbon reduction, and neutralising unavoidable emissions

Stages of the Mitigation Hierarchy:

  1. Avoid: Prioritise activities and strategies that avoid emissions
  2. Reduce: Focus on reducing absolute emissions within operations and the supply chain
  3. Offset: Compensate for unavoidable emissions through quality carbon credits, focusing on removal projects

Importance of the Mitigation Hierarchy for Net Zero:

  • The mitigation hierarchy is critical in guiding businesses towards efficient and effective climate plans.
  • It emphasises reducing emissions, especially Scope 3 emissions, as a primary goal for businesses in their Net Zero transition.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Balancing Different Steps: Successfully implementing the mitigation hierarchy requires balancing various strategies to achieve a comprehensive approach to emissions reduction.
  • Quality of Carbon Credits: When compensating for emissions, the quality of carbon credits is vital to ensure genuine climate benefits.

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