A Buyers Guide to Enhanced Rock Weathering

28 May 2024 16:00 - 17:00 GMT+2
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About the webinar

Welcome to the kick-off episode of our new series "A Buyer's Guide to VCM Projects", where we introduce different projects within the Voluntary Carbon Market.

Our first episode will present the groundbreaking carbon removal solution of Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW). We'll explore how the solution effectively mitigates CO2 from the atmosphere by enhancing natural processes with valuable insights from two leading experts in the field.

Firstly, Jim Mann from UnDo will walk us through how ERW applied on agricultural soil proves permanent CO2 removal. Secondly, Felix Harteneck from InPlanet will share his experience of implementing the technology in the Global South and provide insights into his experience with ERW in Brazil. Additionally, relevant perspectives will be added by Natalia Dorfman from Kita, who will share insights on how insurance companies can actively support investments and help lift innovative projects off the ground!

This episode aims to provide insights into Enhanced Rock Weathering, looking into what it is, how it works and how it can permanently remove and store CO2-enhancing natural processes.

Key topics

  1. What is Enhanced Rock Weathering: Learn how the technology works and supports natural permanent carbon sequestration and storage.
  2. From Brazil to the UK: Gain different perspectives on the agricultural uses of ERW from different geographical contexts.
  3. Innovation take-off: Understand how carbon credit insurance companies can support buyers in diversifying their investments and contribute to groundbreaking CDR solutions.
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One of the expert speakers at Senken's Sustainability meets Mittelstand conference
Jim Mann
CEO and Founder
One of the expert speakers at Senken's Sustainability meets Mittelstand conference
Felix Harteneck
CEO and Co-Founder
One of the expert speakers at Senken's Sustainability meets Mittelstand conference
Natalia Dorfman
CEO and Co-Founder


Adrian Wons is a speaker at Senken's Sustainability meets Mittelstand conference
Adrian Wons
CEO & Co-Founder

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One of the expert speakers at Senken's Sustainability meets Mittelstand conference
Natalia Dorfman
CEO and Co-Founder
One of the expert speakers at Senken's Sustainability meets Mittelstand conference
Jim Mann
CEO and Founder
One of the expert speakers at Senken's Sustainability meets Mittelstand conference
Felix Harteneck
CEO and Co-Founder


Adrian Wons is a speaker at Senken's Sustainability meets Mittelstand conference
Adrian Wons
CEO & Co-Founder